*Most Popular Online Program With A
97% Reported Success Rate

Where Professional Women Transition From Toxic Relationships To Secure, Lasting Love in 3 months.

As Seen In...

Hey bestie, is your heart hurting right now?

Let me send you a warm virtual hug as you read this...

Because just like you...

Ever since I was a little girl...

I've daydreamed about my orange sunset, fairytale ending...

To be happily, blissfully in love with my special person...

Finally rescued from my loneliness...

(And possibly have a baby or two) is all I ever wanted...

And just like you...

Despite "working on myself"...

Despite being put-together in my career...

Despite seeing other women effortlessly get engaged, and move on with their lives...

My own relationships never seemed to work out...


  • You keep winding up in painful or disappointing relationships...

  • You bend yourself into a pretzel trying to win their love...

  • You sabotage or push away great potential partners...

  • You worry about being "too broken" for a healthy relationship or that you're running out of time...

If you answered YES to any of these...

I've been where you are.

I used to lie in bed wondering...

"Why are relationships so easy for every other woman except me?"

"Why is nothing changing in my love life, even though I've been healing and working on myself?"

"Why is it so hard for me to trust my own decisions when it comes to choosing men?!"

Just Like Me, You've Probably Been Told This Lie...

That therapy and dating books is the way to get yourself a healthy relationship...

But if that was true...

Then why do you keep ending up heartbroken?

All while sitting in therapy year after year...

Reading book after book...

All to start the process all over again...

Dragging yourself on endless first dates filled with exhausting small-talk...

Swiping on apps until your finger goes numb...

Watching as your friends get married, have kids, and move on with their lives...

While you're in exactly the same spot.

Where is the fairytale ending you want and deserve?

Surely there must be a better way??

Here's Why It's NOT Your Fault and what to do instead, love...

Just like many of my own clients...

I used to think that it was my wild emotions and flaws that were the problem...

That I had to "be perfect" to be good enough to be loved...

(At least, that's how my childhood raised me to believe...)


Happily married women also have wild emotions..

They also have messy, hormonal days...


Yet, their partners still love and worship the ground they walk on...

Their partners still choose them, love them, prioritize them day after day...

So what's the difference between you and them?

Well, it's not about "perfection"...

It's about 3 specific things these women are doing differently...

After working with hundreds of women as a therapist and coach...

I discovered that women who end up succeeding in happy long-term relationships have three skills in common:

Heads Up: This next image is SUPER important:

Feel. Heal. Attract.

That's it.

These women simply love SMARTER, not harder...

Specifically, three teachable skills that literally anyone with half a brain can learn in under 3 months...

I did it myself in 4 months, and that's how I met my fiancee Andrew.

Even better, I've developed this into the
The Feel, Heal, Attract System that's literally so easy to implement with just 15 min/day...

Designed for the busy high-achieving gal...

With each step-by-step carefully laid out so that you always know what to do in your relationships...

Holding your hand every step of the way...

So that you can finally attract and keep the relationship of your dreams...

Without sitting for 20 years in therapy...

Without going on hundreds of first dates...

Without being extremely triggered when things go wrong...

Without feeling terrified of always ruining a good thing...

And worst of all, without your "gut feeling" keeps leading you into the arms of toxic people (even though you keep saying it'll never happen again)...

In fact...

We are the only expert team in the world who has successfully helped 97% of our students achieve this in their own intimate relationship.

There's simply noone else teaching this stuff at the effectiveness and depth that we do...

Hi, I'm Gloria!

I'm a Relationship Coach based in Canada, and host of Top 100 show The Inner Child Podcast!

As someone who broke free of 10 years of toxic relationships and became engaged to the love of my life, I've helped hundreds of women heal their inner child and find love.

My work has been featured from newspapers to bridal magazines on our remarkably high success rate helping clients break decades of toxic patterns and finding healthy relationships.

"Joining The Soulmate Group Program Is The Most Lifechanging Thing I Have Ever Done For Myself..."

How Carla Went From 25 Years Of Toxic Relationships To A Loving Man (In 3 Months)

Listen To Carla's Full Story On The Podcast!

If you're tired of talking about your traumas over and over...

And you just want the exact steps on what to DO!

Soulmate is a step-by-step method that only requires 15 min/day...

From Being Abandoned By Narcissistic Men...
To Her First Healthy Relationship!

Ronalee, Soulmate Alumni

"Just 5 months in, I met my partner. I never thought it was possible to have such a secure relationship since my divorce!"

Amanda (Lawyer), Soulmate Alumni

You're NOT "too broken".

It's NOT "too late."

And most importantly...

You don't have to do this alone, my love.

You sleep well at night knowing our entire expert team is invested in your success...

We are here to safely guide and protect your heart...

So that you end in the the relationship you want.

So that you can experience a life partnership...

Or maybe start a beautiful family...

It is absolutely possible to still have a healthy relationship, even with decades of trauma under your belt!

Step 1- FEEL

As you start your journey inside Soulmate, our team gently guides you to expand into Emotional Mastery. You become a woman who handles relationships with grace, without doubt and anxiety.

Crazy jealousy? Fear of Abandonment? No big deal. You'll be able to handle 'em all from using Gloria's 3-Step system that only takes 15 min/day to implement

Step 2 - HEAL

In just 2-3 weeks, the positive changes are becoming noticeable to those around you. As you heal your nervous system using the steps we teach you, you are clearing out Core Wounds using our proven method to lift “decades of baggage” off your shoulders.

Use Gloria's inner child tools, Shadow Work modules, and strategies to immediately start feeling relief.

Step 3 - ATTRACT

By weeks 8-9 you already feel like a magnetic, confident woman. But how soon you want to date is up to you! We give you ALL the script, blueprints, and step-by-steps to attract & keep A Compatible, Secure Partner by becoming your most Confident and Abundant Self.

Where to find them, What questions to ask on dates, How to Read Red/Green Flags.. .Without defaulting to Codependent, Toxic Patterns.

EVERYTHING they didn't teach you in school about what really goes into finding and keeping your dream relationship.

"Absolutely Lifechanging."

When Gloria Attended A Student's Wedding To The Love Of Her Life!!

Before joining the program, Ramandeep struggled with poor self-esteem and Emotionally Unavailable Relationships that never stuck around...

In Her Own Words...

We Believe InWomen Uplifting Women

We've created a Safe, Supportive, and World-Class Expert community...

So that you never feel alone in your healing.

So that you NEVER feel judged or ashamed...

We are Soulmate Sisters...

We laugh and cry together...

We are here to pick you up if you fall...

And baby, we're all crossing the finish line...


Steph: "This program saved my life..."

Steph was a yoga teacher who struggled with extreme Anxious Attachment and felt threatened and insecure around all women. Before joining Soulmate, her 3-year relationship was on the rocks...
Steph has since become a Certified Wellness Coach, and now works inside the Soulmate coaching team as a support coach! She is able to lend her own expertise and experience in the program to support students.

"I no longer feel like my emotions control me.

I recommend this program to anyone who comes from a high-conflict family where you felt on edge, stressed, or anxious."

-Chinelle, Soulmate Alumni

I've turned "complicated" dating and relationship skills into easy, digestable steps for you:

Instead of throwing a huge encyclopedia of useless knowledge at you,

You will learn only the MOST important, actionable tools...

So you can begin making changes immediately in your love life.

You will walk away knowing exactly how to:

  • Heal the inner child wounds that are keeping you stuck

  • Navigate any conflict or trigger with ease and grace

  • Choose, find, and nurture a relationship with the right person who is a perfect match for you

  • A bible of practices and guidelines to truly become your best, most Authentic Self

And That's Just The Core Content!

As a student you also receive world-class support...

Step-By-Step 3 Month Program


No more “guesswork” or confusion about your love life. Just follow the step-by-step map and allow our proven system to work for you!


  • The Soulmate 3-Month System

  • Free App (Use It Forever!)

  • Exclusive Soulmate Workbook

  • Gloria’s Tools

  • Including ALL future updates, forever!



You get 6 months of live coaching support to ensure your love life is on the right track!

With half a year of us helping you, no need to worry about “falling behind”. Sleep well each night, knowing our whole team takes care of you!

Unlimited Q&A Support Inside The Coaching Community


You are never alone.

Need support or an Accountability Buddy? Our app allows you to access the coaching community for a whole half-year. Our Support Coaches will also monitor the group M to F for all other questions you have.

One Ticket To

Annual Soulmate LIVE
2-Day Retreat

FREE ($2997 Value)

Nothing is more deeply transformation than a LIVE experience with your new best friends...

All Soulmate members receive one (1) complimentary ticket to our annual 2-day virtual Retreat (or in-person, when available).

LIFETIME Access To The
Soulmate Alumni Community

FREE (Priceless!)

Soulmate is the gift that keeps on giving... Once you join, you forever get to be part of the alumni community for ongoing support, and stay in touch with our annual reunions!

As A Student, You'll Also Love These Free Gifts We've Included For You...

Already Waiting For You In The Member's Lounge:

1-1 Onboarding Call + Assessment

FREE ($200 Value)

Nervous? We got your back!

For a limited time, all new students receive a complimentary 30-minute onboarding call with our Accountability Coach who will provide an overview of your needs inside the program.

Boundaries Mastery Course

FREE ($497 Value)

Have a hard time setting and sticking to boundaries?

You'll also get access to this bonus program for FREE to learn the easiest way to Set, Stick To, and Soothe the icky feelings when people try to Guilt-Trip or Pressure You.

"I Was Nervous To Sign Up At First, But I Would Do It Again In A Heartbeat!"

Meet The Coaching Team!

We're Here To Keep Your Heart Safe.

Gloria Zhang

Head Coach

Coach Steph

Support Coach & Former Soulmate Alumni

Dr. Nadine Macaluso

World's leading expert on Trauma Bonds & leaving toxic relationships.

More Love From Your New Allies...

So Why Not Find Out If This Program Is Possibly The Solution To The Relationship You've Always Wanted?

Let's picture this for a moment...

It's an early Sunday morning and you're waking up next to the love of your life...

You are feeling completely at ease, relaxed, and safe.

As the warm sunlight falls on your face, your partner lovingly whispers,

"I made your favorite coffee"

..while presenting your favorite mug, brewed...

Just the way you like it.

They are fully Present, Devoted to you, Choosing You.

And as you sip the warm roast...

Your partner openly shares how much they love you...

They WANT To Give You All The Attention, Care, Love, That You've Always Desired.

In a state of complete trust and surrender...

You cuddle in bed and talk about your exciting plans to travel the world together.

You're Not Longer Going Through Life Alone.

You're No Longer "Fixing" or "Taking Care" of Your Partner.

You can finally start your life with your best friend...

There's only so much to gain...

... From a free, compassionate, non-judgemental consultation with one of our team members!

So if you're made it this far reading...

... And if you’re a woman who’s experienced Codependent, Emotionally Unavailable, (or even never had a healthy relationship before....)

... And if you’re a woman who no longer wants to feel "too broken" for love...

... And if you’re a woman who is determined to break the cycle and show your Inner Girl that she deserves love...

... And if you agree that women must uplift each other and have courage to move forward...

Then you are already a Soulmate Sister...

And you've already made the decision to book your free Attachment Style assessment with us (valued at $300)...

So why not give this gift to yourself, bestie?

After all, there's nothing to lose by trying!

All that's left to do is click the button below...

Answer a few questions and pick a slot on our calendar...

(we'll even send you a free brochure and workshop just for doing that!)

What's the price to join Soulmate program?

Very reasonable compared to other coaching programs, most that do not offer half the support that the Soulmate team provides. Our most flexible plan is only the price of 2-3 therapy sessions per month, and we have 3 convenient payments plans for you to choose from.

However, what you gain in return is priceless...

The ability to succeed in all the most important relationships in your life...

How valuable is that to you?

We share all of these details during the free consultation. The reason we do this, is because it's important that there is a good fit before working together (as our entire team is invested in helping you succeed).

🩷 We welcome you to book your free consult with us today!

What Should I Expect On The Free Consultation?

Take a deep breath- We're here to make you feel comfortable! There is zero pressure. We'll ask you some questions to learn more about your unique needs, and just chat heart-to-heart, no judgement.

On this complimentary consultation (Valued at $300), you will receive:

  1. Private Attachment Style assessment with a coach over Zoom to help you get clarity

  2. A personalized 3-page healing plan that takes you from insecure to secure!

There is no pressure to join the program, especially if there isn't a good fit (although the majority of women end up jumping in :)

🩷 We welcome you to book your free consult with us today!

FAQ image

I'm A Busy Gal!! What's The Time Commitment?

Girl, I gotcha! As a busy woman myself, we have so many things on my plate. That's why I designed Soulmate to be highly efficient and effective.

You only need 10-15 min/day (or about an hour a week) to implement and successfully use the program.

This has been completely doable for our students, which include single moms, entrepreneurs, night-shift nurses, and more. That being said we also believe that if something is important to you, you owe it to yourself to make time for it.

Ask Yourself: Is 15 min/day worth it for the most important relationship of your life?

I'm In!!! How Soon Can I Start?

Welcome aboard, bestie! As soon as you enroll, you'll get immediate access to the first week of the program as well as the community!

The modules are conveniently releases week-by-week so that you don't feel overwhelmed.

🩷 Let's get started bestie, apply here!

FAQ image

Is Soulmate for singles or couples?

Both! We've had clients who are single or in relationships. Couples can enroll under a single account.

If you're single, the dating sections will apply to you more. If you're in a relationship, Happily Ever After will apply to you more. The program grows with you inside your relationships.

"But What If This Won't Work For Me?"

Let's chat for a sec: If you truly give something your best effort, you will grow more than you ever imagined possible. That is the truth.

You've got what it takes to succeed, and it's time you believed in yourself.

That being said, I know it's hard to try something new when you feel like you've already tried everything. So, let me take away ALL of your hesitations.

We've got a 90-Day Do-The-Work policy, which means that if you complete the program and show proof of doing the work and it's not helping you within 90 days, simply email us at support@bygloriazhang.com and I'll give you 100% of your money back, guaranteed.

That means there's ZERO risk for you to give this a fair chance. We're SO confident in the integrity of the program that we can actually honour this policy, and it's only fair that I ask you to give this a chance to work.

FAQ image

What If I I Miss/ Can't Attend The Live Q&A Calls?

I've got you! Because we have students from all continents around the world, we schedule calls in multiple time zones.

Each call is recorded and available as a replay inside our students-only community. So even if you can't make it live, the calls are always fully accessible at your fingertips to watch over and over again.

This way, you'll never miss a call and can re-watch calls as many times as needed!

Can I join if I'm not a woman?

Absolutely! Although the majority of my audience is women, we will never turn somebody away just because of their gender!

We have a few men and non-binary students inside the program who have absolutely THRIVED as well, as the entire program is designed to be gender-neutral.

Book your free consultation to learn more!

About Gloria

Based out of Canada, Gloria Zhang (@bygloriazhang) is a renowned Relationship Coach, entrepreneur, and former psychotherapist known for her signature style of translating esoteric ideas into everyday wisdom. Gloria hosts the global sensation, 'The Inner Child Podcast,' a self-help series which has captivated audiences across the globe, accumulating over 1.2 million downloads. Gloria enjoys a quiet life with her life partner, taking pleasure in the simple joys of coffee and anime.


Registered Psychotherapist (Currently inactive)

M.A. Counselling Psychology (2015)

B.Sc. Psychology with Honors (2013)

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