*97% Reported Success Rate

Heal Your Inner Child with Gloria Zhang!

Where High-Achievers Heal Their Inner Child & Break Old Patterns... For Good!

As Seen In...


But Struggling With Trauma & Love?

Let Me Know If You Can Relate...

  • You keep winding up in painful or disappointing relationships, even if you're self-aware of your patterns...

  • You lose your self-identity trying to please your partners...

  • You sabotage or lack a "romantic attraction" to healthy partners, but feel a strong attraction to toxic partners...

  • You secretly worry about being "too broken" for a healthy relationship, or that you're running out of time...

Deep Down,

Maybe You're Tired Of Being "Strong"...

Maybe you're exhausted from picking up the broken pieces...

Yearning to be "soft" with someone dependable...

And on the loneliest nights...

You wish that someone else can take care of you for once.

Did I Read Your Mind?

As a renowned therapist who specializes in High-Achievers, I've heard women's deepest desires and pain behind closed doors. You are NOT alone!

Because just like you...

I also silently suffered in hurtful, disappointing, and sometimes abusive relationships.

For nearly 10 hopeless years...

I was the Doormat, the "Almost Girlfriend", the Rebound Girl, feeling like I had a curse...

Until I "cracked the code" that allowed me to heal and attract my now husband...

It's Not Your Fault...

The real reason why High-Achievers repeat painful relationships is simple...

Since childhood, you’ve been conditioned to believe that...

"Love should feel hard"

So your brain sends "love signs" when it's chaotic...

And it might self-sabotage when it's healthy!

In Other Words...

Your BRAIN has been conditioned to GIVE...

To please him, rescue him, put in all the effort...

But your HEART longs to RECEIVE...

To receive love, receive care, be soft...

(Hence, there's a disconnect between what you want to feel...

And what your nervous system feels attracted to.)

We Can Help!

I Invite You To A Free, Non-Judgemental Call With Us!

It's Private, Safe, Confidential!

On The Call, You'll Discover The 3-Step Science To Reprogramming Your "Love Blueprint"...

  • FEEL: Transform negative emotions into joy, peace, and playfulness...

  • HEAL: Clear past trauma to create "space" to receive love...

  • ATTRACT: We’ve analyzed hundreds of dates to find the exact steps to attracting safe, committed partners...

* This is our Feel, Heal, Attract System, that has been validated over several years of clients. Soulmate is the only step-by-step program that uses this system to reprogram your relationships on a subconscious level.

To benefit from the Soulmate system, you only need 1-2 hours per week.

Therapy Isn't Enough!

"The Soulmate method saved my life..."

Steph was a single mom and yoga teacher who struggled with Anxious Attachment and insecurities. Before joining Soulmate, her 3-year relationship was on the rocks...
Steph has since become a Certified Wellness Coach, and works inside the Soulmate team as a support coach! She is able to lend her own expertise and experience in the program to support students.

Kathy Found Healthy Love In Her 60's, After Therapy Never Worked! (It's Never Too Late)

"I used to attract relationships that always deteriorated into being treated poorly. Now I'm in a healthy relationship with an amazing man who treats me well all the time and values me.

I have amazing gratitude for Gloria and this program.

It has been life changing for me and I highly recommend working with Gloria."

- Kathy, Soulmate Alumni

You Are Not "Too Broken" Or "Too Late"...

On your free, no-pressure call, you'll get expert coaching from my team that will help you gain clarity on what's blocking you from the relationship you want!

Allison went from codependent, low-esteem relationships... To getting engaged to a loving, committed man!

"He has become my best friend and biggest fan. I’ve always wanted a secure, safe love like his!"

Hi, I'm Gloria!

I'm an award-winning therapist and coach based in Canada, and host of Top 100 show The Inner Child Podcast!

As someone who broke free of 10 years of toxic relationships and became engaged to the love of my life, I've helped hundreds of women heal their inner child and find love.

My work has been featured from newspapers to bridal magazines on our remarkably high success rate helping clients break decades of toxic patterns and finding healthy relationships.

"The Soulmate Method Is The Most Lifechanging Thing I Have Ever Done For Myself..."

Carla Went From 25 Years Of Toxic Relationships Until She Finally "Felt Good Enough"!

Listen To Carla's Full Story On The Podcast!

This Free Consult Might Be The Light At The End Of Your Tunnel...

Talk To One Of Our Graduates today!

From Being Abandoned By Narcissistic Men... To Her First Healthy Relationship!

Ronalee, Soulmate Alumni

"Just 5 months in, I met my partner. I never thought it was possible to have such a secure relationship since my divorce!"

Amanda (Lawyer), Soulmate Alumni

From Years Of Emotionally Unavailable Men... To Her Dream Hubby!

Before joining the program, Ramandeep struggled with generational childhood trauma, poor self-esteem and men that never stuck around...

Imagine A Safe, Loving Team Where You Feel Deeply Understood

Where you don't need to "wear a mask"...

Where you won't be judged...

Where every woman has experienced the same pains

We laugh and cry together...

We are here to pick you up if you fall...

And baby, we're all crossing the finish line...


"I no longer feel like my emotions control me.

I recommend this program to anyone who comes from a high-conflict family where you felt on edge, stressed, or anxious."

-Chinelle, Soulmate Alumni

Karlin Healed Sexual Abuse (In A Cult) & Attracted An Amazing, Safe Man!

"I felt like this program and community wrapped me in a pillow."

"I Was Nervous To Sign Up At First

But I Would Do It Again In A Heartbeat!"

Meet The Coaching Team!

We're Here To Guide You In The Right Direction.

Gloria Zhang, MA

World-renowned psychotherapist, coach, TEDx speaker, and developed of the Soulmate method. Gloria hosts the global sensation, 'The Inner Child Podcast,' a self-help series which has captivated audiences across the globe.

Coach Steph

Steph is not only our beloved Accountability Coach inside the program, she is herself a "success story" graduate" of the Soulmate method! Steph is a certified wellness and yoga instructor.

Dr. Nadine Macaluso

The real ex-wife of the "Wolf Of Wall Street", Dr. Nadine became the world's leading expert on breaking trauma bonds and helping women safely leave abusive relationships.

Corinne went from Traumatized After Messy Divorce (with kids)... To Married To A Secure Man

Let's Talk Heart To Heart...

What If This Free Call Changes Everything For You?

Would you take that chance...?

If you had nothing to lose, and everything to gain?

Picture this for a moment...

It's an early Sunday morning and you're waking up next to the love of your life...

You are feeling completely at ease, relaxed, and safe.

As the sunlight falls on your face, your partner smiles and says:

"I made your favorite coffee"

..while presenting your favorite mug...

And as you sip the warm roast...

You're No Longer Going Through Life Alone.

You're No Longer "Fixing" or "Taking Care" of Your Partner.

You can finally start your life together...

What's the price to join Soulmate program?

Very reasonable compared to other coaching programs, most that do not offer half the support that the Soulmate team provides. Our most flexible plan is only the price of 2-3 therapy sessions per month, and we have 3 convenient payments plans for you to choose from.

However, what you gain in return is priceless...

The ability to succeed in all the most important relationships in your life...

How valuable is that to you?

We share all of these details during the free consultation. The reason we do this, is because it's important that there is a good fit before working together (as our entire team is invested in helping you succeed).

🩷 We welcome you to book your free consult with us today!

What Should I Expect On The Free Consultation?

Take a deep breath- We're here to make you feel comfortable! There is zero pressure. We'll ask you some questions to learn more about your unique needs, and just chat heart-to-heart, no judgement.

On this complimentary consultation (Valued at $300), you will receive:

  1. Private Attachment Style assessment with a coach over Zoom to help you get clarity

  2. An evidence-based plan to take you from insecure to secure attachment!

There is no pressure to join the program, especially if there isn't a good fit (although the majority of women end up jumping in :)

🩷 We welcome you to book your free consult with us today!

FAQ image

I'm A Busy Person! What's The Time Commitment?

I understand! As a busy woman myself, we have so many things on my plate. That's why I designed Soulmate to be highly efficient and effective.

You only need 1-2 hours per week to implement and successfully use the program.

This has been doable for our students, which include single moms, entrepreneurs, night-shift nurses, and more.

With that being said, I also believe that we make time for what's important to us.

So is experiencing a rich, fulfilling relationship worth it to you?

I'm In! How Soon Can I Start?

Welcome aboard, bestie! As soon as you enroll, you'll get immediate access to the first week of the program as well as the community!

The modules are conveniently releases week-by-week so that you don't feel overwhelmed.

🩷 Let's get started bestie, apply here!

FAQ image

Is Soulmate for singles or couples?

Both! We've had clients who are single or in relationships. Couples can enroll under a single account.

If you're single, the dating sections will apply to you more. If you're in a relationship, Happily Ever After will apply to you more. The program grows with you inside your relationships.

"But What If This Won't Work For Me?"

Let's chat for a second: If you truly give something your best effort, you will grow more than you ever imagined possible.

You've got what it takes to succeed, and it's time you believed in yourself.

That being said, I know it's hard to try something new when you feel like you've already tried everything. So, let me take away ALL of your hesitations.

We've got a 90-Day Do-The-Work policy, which means that if you complete the program and show proof of doing the work and it's not helping you within 90 days, simply email us at support@bygloriazhang.com and I'll give you 100% of your money back, guaranteed.

That means there's ZERO risk for you to give this a fair chance. We're SO confident in the integrity of the program that we can actually honour this policy, and it's only fair that I ask you to give this a chance to work.

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What If I I Miss/ Can't Attend The Live Q&A Calls?

Because we have students from all continents around the world, we schedule calls in multiple time zones.

Each call is recorded and available as a replay inside our students-only community. So even if you can't make it live, the calls are always fully accessible at your fingertips to watch over and over again.

This way, you'll never miss a call and can re-watch calls as many times as needed!

Can I join if I'm not a woman?

Absolutely! Although the majority of my audience is women, we will never turn somebody away just because of their gender!

We have a few men and non-binary students inside the program who have absolutely THRIVED as well, as the entire program is designed to be gender-neutral.

Book your free consultation to learn more!

About Gloria

Based out of Canada, Gloria Zhang (@bygloriazhang) is a renowned Relationship Coach, entrepreneur, and former psychotherapist known for her signature style of translating esoteric ideas into everyday wisdom. Gloria hosts the global sensation, 'The Inner Child Podcast,' a self-help series which has captivated audiences across the globe, accumulating over 1.2 million downloads. Gloria enjoys a quiet life with her life partner, taking pleasure in the simple joys of coffee and anime.


Registered Psychotherapist (Currently inactive)

M.A. Counselling Psychology (2015)

B.Sc. Psychology with Honors (2013)

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