Attain Freedom From Emotional Pain After Childhood Trauma.

Highly exclusive private coaching for Successful High-Achievers or Entrepreneurs who deeply desire to heal childhood trauma.


You're Here Because You've Achieved Great Success In Your Career and Life...

Yet Something Still Feels Wrong.

Despite becoming a successful licensed therapist myself...

I sought out many modalities to heal my own childhood trauma.

But nothing even came close...

To the long-lasting results of Inner Child Healing!

Inner Child Healing is the only “missing jigsaw puzzle”...

That gave me and my clients a sense of…



"I'm very skeptical of who I do energy work with, but my experience with Gloria has turned me into a believer! After only two clearing sessions, I feel lighter and happier than I've felt in 42 long painful years. This is coming from being raised by an abusive and alcoholic father who contributed to a very traumatic childhood. I am so grateful to you Gloria, you and your god-sent gift."

- Client Testimonial

In Fact, It's Been Years Since I Healed My Inner Child!

... And life keeps getting better and better!

I’m still depression-free...

I’m still anxiety-free...

My relationship is still awesome...

I still feel at peace with my childhood...

My patterns remain corrected...

The Reason You Haven't Completed Your Childhood Healing Journey...

… is because other modalities simply “talk about” the wounds of the past...

Without much “doing about” it.

I call this the “Trauma Dump Syndrome”.

You feel a temporary relief from getting a million things off your chest...

Especially when walking out of the therapist’s office (or venting to a friend).


The underlying patterns haven’t actually been altered...

Nothing has actually changed...

So after a few days, you feel the tension build up and up…

And you go back for another dump session...

And then another dump session. ...

This False Sense Of Security
Trapped Many Of My Clients Into A
Dangerous (and Expensive) Cycle...

My clients found themselves constantly on the never-ending search for a solution...

For new courses...

New retreats...

New therapists...

New programs…

Doesn't it feel like a merry-go-round that you can never get off?

That's Why Makes Authentic Inner Child Healing With Me Feel Unique...

The rewiring feels permanent.

The self-talk becomes automatic.

The self-sabotage ends.

"I no longer feel like my emotions control me.

I recommend Gloria to anyone who comes from a high-conflict family where you felt on edge, stressed, or anxious."

-Chinelle, Former Client

"But Isn't Healing A Lifelong Journey?"

Life- yes.

But healing childhood trauma- Shouldn't that eventually get resolved?

Isn't that the whole point of healing something?

Obviously myself and my clients continue to grow and explore new layers of ourselves...

But there’s a key difference:

The deep pain and despair from childhood is no longer there!

When bad days used to be a 0/10 mood, now it’s only a 5/10.

"Depths Of Despair" are now just "An Annoying Day".

"Unbearable Anxiety" are now just "Some Butterflies"

The “Big Trauma Healing” is already complete.

We already did the work…

It’s resolved now.

Growth now is less about revisiting old childhood wounds...

And more about spiritual growth, and unconditioning the new patterns from adult life.

Authentic Inner Child Healing Is Much More Than Dancing or Looking at a Baby Photo...

These days, "Inner Child" work is a buzzword...

So many folks simply slap on the label of “inner child healing” over recycled CBT or NLP techniques.

Real Authentic IC uses carefully designed techniques to:

Clear lingering patterns from childhood...

Clear unresolved issues from mom & dad...

Relieve old traumas that keep popping up like whac-a-mole...

Time and time again...

My clients report remarkable results that outperform traditional therapy in:

Saving their marriage or relationship

Attracting better dates

Optimizing high-performance

Business growth

Reduction in anxiety

Reduction in depression

Cutting ties with toxic people

Attracting new connections

Jamie: From Crushing Breakup To Healing

CEO Of Podcast Rebels

"The truth is, since working with Gloria I've been able to start attracting new people into my life that are in alignment with what I'm looking for. I realized I'm valuable as I am without needing to prove it to others."

If You Feel A Calling To Work Together And Have Me In Your Corner...

I have very limited spots for high-level private coaching for Successful High-Achievers who deeply desire to achieve freedom from childhood trauma.

With 1-1 work, you get:

* Privacy (ideal for other public figures)

* Highly personalized coaching based on my Feel, Heal, Attract framework

This is a rare and exclusive opportunity to work intimately with a highly grounded and intuitive expert with a proven track record.

If you feel called...

I suggest applying now as my 1-1s always fill up fast (since I do not offer them all year round).

How It Works...

  1. Apply for coaching by clicking the button below to book a free Zoom consult with me.

Over this 30-min call, it's a safe space with me to talk about whether there's a good fit for us to work together privately.

Becoming A Client...

  1. 3-Month Commitment (Minimum)

Why? This is not an overnight quick fix, and we need the momentum of at least 3 months to get you seeing progress.

  1. Weekly 60-Min Zoom Sessions

  1. Text + Voicenote Support In Between Sessions

Just connecting once per week isn’t enough when dealing with childhood trauma, and we will be checking in often throughout the week to keep the momentum going!


You're Ready To Heal. This is not a "maybe" for you, it's a "must". Self-motivated High Achievers or Professionals who are ready to heal their inner child.

You're Tired Of Struggling. You desire to experience total freedom from anxiety and emotional pain.

You're No Stranger. You are fully aware that your current life and relationship problems are directly related to your childhood experiences

You Value Support. You desire hand-holding, high-level support, because you've already tried doing it alone.

You're Tired Of Wasting... You are tired of wasting time and money on “bandaid” solutions, and have gotten limited results from conventional therapy or other methods. You are ready to invest in the real deal.

You Have Dreams And Hopes . You know in your soul that you were meant for so much more than just to "survive". Whether it's a balanced career where you don't need to sacrifice riches and happiness, love, or serving a higher spiritual purpose. You want to work with a mentor who challenges you to shoot beyond the moon.


You're Not Ready To Let Go Of The Victim Story.

If you're still heavily attached to the old stories, you want to blame circumstances, and feel a lot of resistance to change... Then coaching may feel challenging at your current stage. I would suggest listening to more of the podcast first!

You Don't Want To Take Control Of Your Life.

As a coach, I can only work as hard as you are willing to show up fully to our relationship together. I will challenge you, call you out, and lovingly pull out the highest version of yourself.

You're Not Open-Minded To New Ideas.

If the thought of new perspectives, intuitive, or healing scares you then this may not be the right service for you.

So If You’re Ready to Feel Years of Baggage Lifting Off Your Shoulders...

If you desire to be fundamentally healed and rewired for the better…

If you want to see life through a clear set of eyes, full of hope and possibility…

Then it’s time to apply and book your free consultation with me:

Amanda: From Codependent Conflict To A Healthy Relationship In 5 Months!

"Just 5 months in, I met my partner. I never thought it was possible to have such a secure relationship since my divorce!"



Gloria Zhang, MA, RP (@bygloriazhang) is a renowned inner child healer, psychotherapist, relationship coach, TEDx speaker, and author known for her signature style of translating esoteric ideas into everyday wisdom. Gloria hosts the global sensation, 'The Inner Child Podcast,' a self-help series which has captivated audiences across the globe, accumulating over 1.7 million downloads.

Gloria authored A Woman's Guide To Inner Child Healing, 3-time finalist nominee and winner of Living Now Book Awards. She runs her signature program Situationship To Soulmate.

Gloria currently lives in Vancouver (Canada) and enjoys a quiet life with her life partner and nerds out on cooking and anime.

Gloria's various credentials include:

  • Registered Psychotherapist (RP) - CRPO

  • M.A. Counselling Psychology (2015) University of Western Ontario

  • B.Sc. Psychology with Honors (2013) University of Toronto

  • Anxiety "Facing Your Fears" Facilitation Certification (2019) University of Colorado

  • Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) (2019) - Living Works

  • Crisis Intervention: Prevention & Management Training (2016)

Will You Help If I'm In Crisis?

My 1-1 healing sessions are NOT safe and fully equipped to help you if you actively suicidal, or dealing with serious substance addictions or mental disorders. I will not proceed with the session if I feel that this isn't right for you.

You can send me an email to inquire first.

Please Contact These Resources IF You Are In Crisis:

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255)
Find A Helpline (International):
Text Line: Text "HELLO" to 741741
Find A Therapist:

What Payment Options Do You Accept?

We accept most major credit cards!

What's Your Refund Policy?

Due to the nature of the work, there are no refunds for any private 1-1 work.

Can I Talk To You First About My Issue?

Apply and book your free consultation, and we will hop on a 30-min safe and intimate conversation.

I love where I am now. You gave me hope. I felt like I was in a pillow, just being carried until I processed so much and grieved and experimented with your different tools inside the community with other people like me."



Former Client

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